Here are the dates of key 2024 Match Rifle meetings at Bisley, with those hosted by the English Eight Club in bold:

Date Meeting  
15 June LMRA Match Rifle Teams Match  
22-23 June NLRC Match Rifle Jamboree  
26 August Welsh Open Match Rifle  
28-29 September Autumn Match Rifle Meeting
English Eight Club and Irish Rifle Club
open to Match, Target, F Class and Any Rifles
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10-11 May 2025 Spring Match Rifle Meeting
English Eight Club, National Rifle Club of Scotland and Welsh Rifle Association
open to Match, Target and F Class Rifles

If you don't already receive email notification of meetings and would like to do so, please use the Contact page.

Likewise, if you host a Match Rifle meeting that is not listed above please also use the Contact page.

For the National Rifle Association list of Match Rifle competitions click here.

For Blair Atholl dates please see the National Rifle Club of Scotland website.